Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker’s hand-written papers
The following was written by Ed Pennypacker in 1992. In 2010 I (JP) changed the nesting order of items to better illustrate a hierarchy.
It seems strange that I sit writing on a computer word processor what I copied from Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker’s hand-written papers. He wrote in ink, with no erasures or cross-outs. When I reach the end of this I will call up a computer-directed spell checker that will fix my errors.
The numbers assigned to the names are his except those that I hyphenated. These are mine.
Governor Pennypacker traced the family tree in America to show as nearly and completely as possible all those Pennypackers who had ever lived up to the year 1879. He also traced backward into Europe and concluded that in Holland, the family name was Beirman, but that Heinrich came to be known as "Pannenbakker" (tile maker--roof tile) somewhere along the way. He traced our Heinrich to Worms, Germany and thence to the Americas where he shows up as Heinrich Pennebaker in Manhattan. By 1702 he and his wife Eve Umstat (Umstadt?) are settled in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania somewhere along the Trappe Creek near Evansburg, near Markley’s Mill. He is thought to have been a Mennonite minister who supported his family by his skills as a surveyor. This is fortunate for us since his signature appears on many documents and he is referred to in many legal documents where land ownership and boundaries are in question. The governor collected and copied (in his own writing) many of these. Mennonite or no, the first page of the minute book of St. James Perkiomen Episcopal Church, Evansburg mentions him as a charitable benefactor. He was naturalized in 1730. JEP
This is a long list. Expand / collapse subsections by tapping the list numbers.
1. Heinrich Pennebaker m. Eve Umstat
- Heinrich b. 3/21/1674 d. 4/4/1754
- Eve b. ? d. 11/11/1745
they had eight children:
- 2. Martha b. 6/15/1700 d. 9/15/1761 m. Anthony Vanderslice
- 3. Adolph b. 1708 d. 5/?/1787 called Ole or Ollie
- 4. Peter b. 3/8/1710 d. 6/28/1770
- 5. John b. 8/27/1713 d. 6/14/1784
- 6. Jacob b. 1715 d. 1752
- 7. Henry b. 1717 d. 1792?
Henry Pennypacker m. Rebecca Kuster d. 10/1807 (Rebecca Kuster, daughter of Hermanus, son of Paul) Henry was a member of Mennonite Church of the Skippack died about 5/3/1792. They had seven children:- 2114. Harmon Pannebecker b. 1/12/1748 d. 2/12/1826
Harman Pannebecker m. Barbara Pannebecker #1398. She d. 7/22/1815. He was a Mennonite and opposed to the revolution. During it he was fined several times for non-attendance at the militia. On 6/13/1783, he bought from his father for 2,000 British Pounds the grain mill, saw mill house, and barn on the Skippack. On 6/2/1812, he advertised that "carding, spinning and weaving" were done at his mill. He and his wife are buried at the Mennonite church at Phoenixville.There was a Mennonite church at the corner of Main and Church. This site now has a Lutheran church. There is no cemetery there. JEP
They had seven children:- 2121. Henry Pennypacker b. 1769 d. 3/??/1820
Henry Pennypacker m. Susan Leblin of Lancaster County. He was a farmer at Chester Springs. He was buried in the Mennonite graveyard in Phoenixville.- 2128. Elizabeth b. 3/27/1799 d. 3/9/1850
Elizabeth Pennypacker m. 12/13/1827 Peter Danfield, a blacksmith of Vincent Twp. He b. 2/28/1806. She d. 3/9/1850. He was severely hurt in the accident on the Pickering Valley Railroad 10/4/1877.There was a reunion of the Pennypackers in Swenksville, PA at the Pennypacker Mills. Attendees came from all over the country. On 10/4/1777, Washington’s army camped there. One hundred years later, our family returned to the site to remember that time and meet their relatives. It rained so heavily that the speeches scheduled for the day were held inside Mechanics Hall. It is now a State Liquor Store. The ones I am related to mostly lived in Chester Springs. They took the train that ran in those days from Phoenixville. About three miles west of town, a section of track washed away, leaving a chasm over 60 feet deep. The engine fell in and it’s tender followed, killing the engineer and fireman; the next car followed, and the next on top of that. In these were the Pennypackers returning from the reunion. The milk car was next, but it remained on the track, sparing the lives of those who would have been crushed had it followed. JEP
.- 2135. Samuel Davis Danfield b. 9/7/1828
- 2136. Mary Danfield b. 2/4/1830
- 2137. Aaron Pennypacker Danfield b. 2/20/1831
- 2138. Martha Shafer Danfield b. 4/25/1832
- 2139. Sarah Ann Danfield b. 4/25/1832
- 2140. John Morgan Danfield b. 9/1/1835
- 2141. Lewis Heffelfinger Danfield b. 4/14/1837
- 2142. Edwin Miles Danfield b. 4/16/1839
- 2143. Jesse Philips Danfield b. 2/19/1841
- 2129. Mary m. John Garner
- 2130. James b. 9/30/1804 d. 1/31/1851 "farmer of Chester Co."
- 2131. Aaron b. 6/9/1807
Aaron Pennypacker m. Rachel Newman. He was b. 6/9/1807, d. 11/8/1853. She d. 4/30/1857 aged 51 years, 3 months, 23 days. 10 Children:- 2144. James W. Pennepacker farmer near Pottstown
- (2145?) Josiah J. Pennepacker minister of the German Reformed Church. Principal of a school at Reimersburg, PA. He offered the prayer at the reunion in 1877.
- 2146. George N. Pennepacker m. Rachel Spackman
- 2147. Henry Pennepacker physician in Media, PA
- 2148. Joseph Pennepacker
- 2149. Marcellus Pennepacker d. unmarried
- 2150. Susanna Pennepacker m. Swinehard, a farmer of W. Vincent
- 2151. Benjamin Franklin Pennepacker
- 2152. Jacob Pennepacker
- 2153. Aaron Pennepacker
- 2132. Owen b. 1/6/1810
Owen Pennypacker m. Hannah Stille. he was b. 1/6/1810, a farmer of Vincent.- 2154. Charles Pennypacker m. Strickland A. Miller of E. Vincent
- 2155. Catherine Pennypacker m. John Rhoades
- 2156. Susan Pennypacker d. unmarried
- 2157. Sarah Pennypacker
- 2133. Susan b. 8/12/1817
- 2134. Sarah
Sarah Pennypacker m. William Priest (son of Isaac) lived in Spring City.- 2158. Sarah Jane Priest b. 1/3/1842
Sarah Jane Priest m. Ethan Allen Bickle, a painter at Spring City.- 2163. Sarah May Bickle b. 9/18/1868
- 2159. Jonathan Priest b. 9/2/1845
- 2160. Mary Priest b. 2/4/1853
- 2161. Aaron Priest b. 8/27/1843
- 2162. Susanna Priest b. 5/28/1840
- 2158. Sarah Jane Priest b. 1/3/1842
- 2128. Elizabeth b. 3/27/1799 d. 3/9/1850
- 2122. Hannah
Hannah Pennypacker m. Samuel Bond, a farmer of Pikeland- 2164. Barbara Bond
Barbara Bond m. Jacon Longaker, miller of Pikeland- 2171. Joseph Longaker
- 2172. Margaret Longaker
- 2165. Rebecca Bond m. Samuel Law, a Maryland farmer
- 2166. Harman Bond a farmer of Treddyffrin
- 2167. John Bond d. unmarried
- 2168. Matthias Bond a farmer near Harper’s Ferry
- 2169. James Bond d. unmarried
- 2170. Marie Bond m. John Law, a Maryland farmer
- 2164. Barbara Bond
- 2123. Rebecca m. Valentine Pennypacker # 2262
- 2124. Margaret
Margaret Pennypacker m. Joseph Anderson, a farmer and miller of Vincent- 2173. Matthias Anderson
Matthias Anderson m. Eliza Widener, a farmer of Uwchlan. He and wife both hurt in train wreck of 10/4/1877.- 2177. Jefferson Anderson
- 2178. Joseph Anderson
- 2174. Eber C. ANderson, a broker of West Chester
- 2175. Harman Anderson m. Williams, a farmer in Pikeland, hurt in train wreck 10/4/1877 with his wife
- 2176. Rebecca Anderson
- 2173. Matthias Anderson
- 2125. James
James Pennypacker m. Mary Fetters. She d. 3/26/1859 aged 74 years. He was a farmer of Pikeland who d. before 3/28/1826.- 2179. George Pennypacker
George Pennypacker m. Mary Moses, daughter of John, farmer of Nantmeal- 2186. William Pennypacker butcher in Pottstown
- 2187. Alfred Pennypacker farmer in Nantmeal
- 2188. Silas Pennypacker farmer in Nantmeal
- 2189. John M. b. 12/25/1840 d. 3/15/1848
- 2190. Mary m. Judson Philips, a Nantmeal farmer
- 2191. George W. b. 2/8/1845 d. 3/23/1848
- 2192. Ellis M. b. 9/18/1947 d. 12/7/1848
- 2193. Eugene C. b. 9/9/1859 d. 10/12/1860
- 2180. Susan Pennypacker m. Harman Pennypacker #2211
- 2181. Eleanor b. 6/17/1817 m. Harman Pennypacker #2211 also
- 2182. Margaretta Pennypacker
Margaretta Pennypacker m. Joseph J. Tustin, a farmer of Pikeland- 2194. Septimus Tustin m. 8/18/1874 Eliz. Ralston. She died. He remarried 10/3/1877 Mary A. Holman. Next day he attended reunion. Both injured in train wreck. The two persons sitting next to them were killed.
- 2195. Ella E. Tustin d. 2/6/1865 aged 13 years.
- 2196. Joseph Tustin
- 2183. Mary A. Pennypacker
Mary Pennypacker m. Isaac Tustin. He was b. 10/16/1818, a farmer of Pikeland. He was killed in train wreck 10/4/1877.- 2197. James Tustin b. 3/1/1853 killed in train wreck
- 2198. Lydia Tustin
- 2199. Elizabeth Tustin
- 2200. George Tustin
- 2198. Lydia Tustin m. B. Hartman Prizer of Franklin County. She doed before 1874.
- 2201. Olivia Prizer b. 1867 She had her thigh broken in train wreck.
- 2198. Lydia Tustin m. B. Hartman Prizer of Franklin County. She doed before 1874.
- 2184. Eli J. Pennypacker
Eli J. Pennypacker m. Pamela Sheverman. He was a farmer of Smithville, Maryland. She was injured in train wreck.- 2202. Theodore Pennypacker
- 2203. Mary Ellen Pennypacker
- 2204. Maggie P. Pennypacker
- 2205. Julie S. Pennypacker
- 2206. Sarah Elizabeth injured in train wreck
- 2207. William R. Pennypacker
- 2185. Sophia Pennypacker
Sophia Pennypacker m. John Stauffer, a farmer of N. Coventry- 2208. Franklin Stauffer
- 2209. Wilfred Stauffer
- 2179. George Pennypacker
- 2126. Harman b. 1786 d. 4/6/1846
Harman Pennypacker b. 1786 d. 4/6/1846 m. Anna Showalter #1522- 2210. Daniel Pennypacker b. 11/15/1812 d. 4/20/1867
Daniel Pennypacker b. 11/15/1812 d. 4/20/1867 m. Christiana, daughter of Jacob Neiman, a farmer of Pikeland.- 2222. Mary Pennypacker
- 2223. Sarah m. Davis Williams Paper business in Charleston
- 2224. Harman lives near Norristown
- 2225. Scott d. unmarried
- 2226. Annie
- 2227. Emma
- 2228. Ella
- 2229. Martha
- 2211. Harman b. 8/27/1814
Harman Pennypacker b. 8/27/1814 m. Susan Pennypacker #2180. When she died 11/12/1858 he married her sister Eleanor Pennypacker #2181. He and his wife severely injured in Pickering Valley RR accident 10/4/1877. He was for many years a director of that RR. Farmer at Chester Springs. Prominent man in his neighborhood.- 2230. Martha Pennypacker b. 1/16/1840
Martha Pennypacker m. Colonel Wm. E. Caveny, supt. of Soldiers Orphans School (later known as the Art School)- 2231. Susan Pennypacker Caremy b. 6/19/1872
- 2232. William Elwood Caremy b. 4/13/1874
- 2230. Martha Pennypacker b. 1/16/1840
- 2212. Nathan b. 5/25/1817 killed in Pickering Valley RR accident 10/4/1877
- 2213. Elizabeth b. 2/16/1820
Elizabeth Pennypacker m. James Tustin- 2233. Isaac Tustin
- 2234. Milton Tustin
- 2235. Annie Tustin
- 2214. Matthias C. b. 7/4/1821
Mattias A. Pennypacker b. 7/4/1821 m. Agnes m. McClure, daughter of Robert. "He has had quite a checkered career. In early life he was a merchant at Charlestown and failed. During the war he made a fortune and went to Phoenixville... active in starting the Iron Bank. Then he built a private banking establishment, The Farmers & Mechanics Bank to which he sold his building. Active in erecting the New Mennonite Church. Since failed again and moved South."- 2236. Herbert Evans Pennypacker b. 8/18/1850
- 2215. John b. 3/3/1822
John Pennypacker b. 3/3/1822 m. Ellen Robinson, daughter of John, a farmer in Maryland.- 2237. Mary Pennypacker
- 2238. Ella Pennypacker
- 2216. Ann b. 12/21/1823
- 2217. Margaret b. 2/7/1826
Margaret Pennypacker m. Daniel Flinn lives in Phoenixville- 2239. Annie Flinn
- 2240. Ida Flinn
- 2241. Mary Flinn d. 11/4/1855 aged 3 years, 2 months, 3 days
- 2218. Mary b. 9/22/1829 She was one of firm of Boyle&Pennypacker, dry goods merchants of Phoenixville, PA.
- 2219. Milton H. b. 7/4/1832
Milton Pennypacker m. Matilda A. Reiff lives in Norristown- 2242. Ella K. Pennypacker
- 2220. Enos J. b. 12/24/1834 Captain of Co. M 163 P.R. 18 Cav. Mustered 21/8/1862 for 3 years. Captured at Buckley’s Mill. In Libby Prison 6 mos.; at Macon, GA 4 mos. A prisoner total of 14 mos. One of 50 officers selected by the rebels to be placed under fire at Charleston, SC. He was wounded at Gettysburg 7/6/1863 Mustered out with Co D B Reg Provisional Cavalry 10/31/1865. Since the war, he has been inspector of Naval Stores at Wilmington, NC.
- 2221. Sarah Pennypacker b. 11/8/1836
Sarah Pennypacker b. 11/8/1836 m. Frank C. Moore, farmer at Uwchlan- 2243. Francis Warren Moore
- 2244. Mary Rebecca Moore
- 2210. Daniel Pennypacker b. 11/15/1812 d. 4/20/1867
- 2127. Matthias b. 1789 d. 6/14/1844
Matthias Pennypacker m. Susanna Fetters, daughter of George. She d. 3/3/1852 aged 62 years, 2 mos 3 days- 2245. Abraham Pennypacker
Abraham Pennypacker m. Maria Christman, daughter of Henry. He had his leg broken in the Pickering Valley RR accident of 10/4/1877. - 2246. Levi
Levi Pennypacker m. Annie ? [illegible] daughter of David, a merchant of Phila.- 2255. Sarah Elizabeth Pennypacker
Levi married again ? Green- 2256. Annie Pennypacker
- 2247. Sarah b. 8/28/1819
Sarah Pennypacker m. Jacob Latshaw of W. Pikeland- 2257. Sara Elizabeth Latshaw
- 2248. Matthias Pennypacker
- 2249. Henry Christman Pennypacker
- 2250. William D.
- 2251. Levi injured in train wreck
- 2252. Elwood
- 2253. Sylvester H. b. 1/19/1848 d. 11/13/1907 injured in train wreck
Sylvester H. Pennypacker b. 1/19/1848 d. 11/13/1907 m. Ella Rebecca Young, b. 12/30/1852 d. 1951. m. 12/12/1877 (Custer’s Last Stand in 1876)- 2253-1. Frank Chester Pennypacker
Frank Chester Pennypacker m. Mary Fondella Friday- 2253-3. Frank Chester Pennypacker, Jr. b. 9/15/1917
- 2253-1. Frank Chester Pennypacker
- 2254. Isaac M. b. 7/17/1855 d. 8/29/1858
- 2245. Abraham Pennypacker
- 2121. Henry Pennypacker b. 1769 d. 3/??/1820
- 2115. John
- 2116. Benjamin
- 2117. Libilla b. 1755
- 2118. Magdelena
- 2119. Henry d. unmarried after 6/9/1798
- 2120. Jacob
- 2114. Harmon Pannebecker b. 1/12/1748 d. 2/12/1826
- 8. Susanna b. ? d. ? m. Peter Keyser of Worcester
- 9. Barbara b. about 1720